Dearest Elenaor,

Just wanted you to know how grateful I am to the Lord that he has brought me to you and how thankful I am to you for your obedience and boldness for the Glory of the Lord.

Every week there are more and more burdens and weights falling off of me and my children. I seriously feel pounds lighter when I come. I have carried a very heavy burden of being a single mother of two for16 years, (and no I was no little saint)

so for me the soul ties deliverance is absolutely incredibly freeing. I’ve decided that when the real Mr Lovely comes along, it’s gonna be in the pre-nup he has to go to Isaiah 61 Ministries!! As I was sitting there last night the Lord gave me the vision of a HUGE tree, you know like the ones you see representing a family tree. On the tree, where the names of family members would have been, were all the curses that I was being set free from …didn’t know I had so many family members! And so I wanted to take the time to tell you you are appreciated greatly.

With love
See you soon!
Ashley D.